
Tuesday 2 April 2019

I can't draw

Well, it's not like this'll be a surprize to anyone, but no, I can't draw and that's why I make due with primitive shapes for my AI agents in the game. I'm well aware that humans are not capsules, but pretend they are.

Having said that, I recently got a tweet about a game jam for people like me, a game jam for people who can't draw, starting in just over a week. As I most certainly qualify, I'll most likely give it a try and I'm thinking of a battle royal game in the top-down style of the early Grand Theft Auto games, but with idiotic weapons. I need to find out how network stuff works in Unity, but I have time. It'll be fun, I hope.  Never did anything like a game jam, so...

In the meantime, my 30 minutes Unity for yesterday were in making sure the minimap in my game views enemies in red and non-hostile NPC's in green, from code. And I'm still reading the AI book.

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