
Wednesday 10 April 2019


Alright, an update from the bus. Yesterday, I made some adjustments to the deep water mask because I got some feedback from a colleague who thought it was not watery enough and it looked more like fog. I might change it again later. Besides, maybe I'll have the opacity change from code to reflect the player being deeper.

I also dropped a red ball in the scene and named it Red ball. Nothing much happens here. Idea is that the player can look at it with the crosshair and have the GUI show the info.  Later I'll implement picking it up. I need that for interacting with objects. The door script now just triggers on being near the door and pressing the key. I need the player to look at the door directly for it to work. Doors are just other kinds of balls, so if a ball works, it's a small step to make the door work. 

Lastly, I made something that my old game did not have yet: a player state script to keep track of what the player is up to. Now it only tracks if the player is running or not and if he's crouching. This datascript will be referenced from different scripts, most notably the game handler and the movement script. 

The first thing implemented is basic crouching.  It's not finished yet, but for now it just makes the player smaller and the camera lower when pressing Ctrl. Next time on Ctrl, the player goes back to the original size.

This works, with a little drop when getting smaller. It does not, however change the size of the collider and I want the camera to clamp differently when crouching, so that'll be work. Now to the office and earn money first.

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