
Monday 6 May 2019

Video: So Far So Good

I did not have too much time to work on my game, so I thought It'd be nice to show some game footage of me playing whatever it is that I do have. I know it's not perfect and you'll see a couple of bugs, but it's starting to get interesting, if I can say so myself. 


Sorry about the video quality. I'll try to fix that later. There's a little letter pinned to the wall that I can read. It's all placeholder graphics made in Piskel to have anything to serve as a letter. It'll be replaced once I make the graphics or have someone else do that. not sure yet, so I'll focus on the mechanics, GUI and the like.

Looking at letters user the same mechanics as picking up things, opening doors and talking to NPC's. There's an interact script to do things with objects, depending on what kind of object it is. Is it an interactable, like a letter, examine it, is it an NPC, talk to it, etcetera.

Well, if it's a door, open or close it. Behind the door, there's the blue Friendly Guy that wants a red ball from me, and a red Unfriendly Guy that wants to walk towards me in a buggy fashion. Talking to the Friendly Guy reveals a quest that he has. This one is easy to complete, so I do that and return the ball. Turns out out friend does not have enough stuff on him to reward me. Usually, I'd be angry, but he, this is a public video, so I'll let him go.

I might have more time tomorrow and Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to complete the quest for movement quests too. There are - for now - three kinds of quests (or rather objective types; a quest can have a number of different objectives to complete): Gathering quests, movement quests, and defeat quests.

The defeat quest will have to wait before I have combat mechanics, which is not my first priority right now. That'll be movement objectives. Movement objectives are mainly meant as helper objectives to get the player to a place to have him receive further instructions. it should be quite easy to implement. That's what I'll do next.

Furthermore, I plan to make GUI for inventory, journal and quests. Later there'll be trading, equipment and player stats screens. There will probably not be based around the dialog window that I use for examining and dialoging.

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