
Thursday 3 October 2019

The stone age simulator I'm making

A little update from a crowded bus home this time. When I return, my wife is probably at the gym and I'll have time to watch a couple of videos from my Udemy course on procedural terrain generation. I'm learning a lot about that, but I'd like it to be finished rather soon, because I'm aching to work on Holocene proper.

Some time ago, I wrote Holocene was about to become a different kind of game. Now that I'm not really working on its mechanics, I take my time to think about what I want to make and write it down in my little notepad. I have a couple of ideas in different phases of fleshed out-ness. This blog post its about the main idea that is slowly getting shape.

Holocene is going to be a 3D stone age simulation game where the player needs to guide a tribe of people towards stone age greatness.  There will be a lot of discovering to do, both for me, the developer, and for the game characters, because they don't know much. They know that food and drink might keep them alive, but that might be easier said than done in the game. The task of the player will be to help three characters achieve things.

This premise may sound like a standard RTS, but it'll have a first player outlook and camera position so an overview may be compromised. Next, any character will be someone specific, so we're not dealing with generic workers or warriors.  A guy is a guy and singer fits are better hunters than the guys going for three pottery craft. Others might be better in cooking. That kind of stuff.

There will be low poly mammoths

There's not too much left tip say right now, except that there's a lot of work to do in the coming time. I'm seriously considering making a YouTube development log as soon add i have my course under my belt. Whatever I do though, I'll probably take my time. Don't expect the game to be anywhere near finished any time soon.

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