
Sunday 10 November 2019

The world is round

Good morning again. Weekend's over so I'm in the bus to work again. This weekend was quite busy, but I did have some time to work on Holocene. As may buy now be known, we're procedurally generating the world and for three nth time I restarted the project to set it up better and now I finally get the idea I start to understand how it's supposed to be structured. So even if it seems like I'm not making progress, I do.

First, I've been thinking about the structure of the world building script and the order of operations.  We'll start with the broad outline of the world that we'll have.  I use small plane objects to set it up. This broad outline right now had one simple Perlin noise, but it'll probably have four. My aim will be to have big low regions that'll be the oceans and big higher regions that'll be the continents. These continents will have features of their own.

Once this is done, I'll see if I need more pronounced mountains. If I do, let there be mountains. I think I'll use mid point displacement to generate them.  When that's done, I'll focus on the rivers again. The aim will be to erode the mountainside so that there will be room to drop rivers there.

Maybe unclear when I write it like this, but there point is that I want to have a playing field where I can drop a river on a mountain and it'll naturally find its way to the sea. Last time I tried that, rivers would get stuck in dips along the mountainside. Now I'll try to carve a path so that the dips have an exit.

When I finish the rivers, I'll add a heat map and a moisture map and that'll bring biomes. Any biome had certain vegetation types and animals. When I drop them in, this should be it.

Right. That's the end aim. Right now I have this. This it's a 4 by 4 grid of tiles with a Perlin noise on the 3 left columns and a special row to the right. This row is a special kind of Perlin noise, because it mixes two. It connects to the one top the left, but it also connects to the left most to its right, in other words: the world is round. I decided not to do this to the top tiles, so it'll be a cylindrical world, rather than a round one, but I'm pretty pleased with this. You have no idea how long this took.

Anyway,  i think I'm starting right. Next task will be to make the work larger and more natural by adding more Perlin waves. Hopefully that connecting time column will look better by then. We'll see Howe long this all will take. I also have a job and a wife and I know this is all going to be a big task, but it's begun!

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